My bare toes curling in warm sand
Your arms around me, time unplanned
To feel the impulse of your thoughts
Which whisper up from depths opaque
Our minds are one soft rippling lake.
The impulse of a kiss arose,
I hope my blush hides in shadows
You notice, softly laugh and smile
“I haven’t kissed you yet” you say
The thought’s enough for fond display.
It scares me. Squeeze. Don’t be afraid.
His comfort floods, from warmth is made
He knows my fears and still wants me
Although there’s far too much perhaps
There’s no right action just love traps.
I see his worries drifting round
A life of so much strength abound
He thinks he’ll somehow scare away
My love. So crazy. I’ll scare him
To us the other’s love is whim.
We rush to reassure, hold firm
Our love is not misplaced, confirm
The other knows. Our thoughts alike
As spawned from same notion perceived
Like love’s harmonic motion achieved
Your arms around me, time unplanned
To feel the impulse of your thoughts
Which whisper up from depths opaque
Our minds are one soft rippling lake.
The impulse of a kiss arose,
I hope my blush hides in shadows
You notice, softly laugh and smile
“I haven’t kissed you yet” you say
The thought’s enough for fond display.
It scares me. Squeeze. Don’t be afraid.
His comfort floods, from warmth is made
He knows my fears and still wants me
Although there’s far too much perhaps
There’s no right action just love traps.
I see his worries drifting round
A life of so much strength abound
He thinks he’ll somehow scare away
My love. So crazy. I’ll scare him
To us the other’s love is whim.
We rush to reassure, hold firm
Our love is not misplaced, confirm
The other knows. Our thoughts alike
As spawned from same notion perceived
Like love’s harmonic motion achieved