I should have seen it coming, when work began to slow.
A downturn in the market, so they had to let me go.
I’ve hung up all my work clothes, embraced my new career.
My new job’s sort of different, I’m a domestic engineer.
In charge of child development, on duty day and night.
With my Ph.D. in tantrums, I always get it right.
The pay is non-existent and the hours can be long.
Whenever I get down-time, we read or sing a song.
I’m used to multi-tasking, or mending broken toys.
I’m a constant snack dispenser, that's another of the joys.
Household coordination, I have to get things done.
Sometimes when we’re happy, we dance around for fun.
My tiny little helper, helps me wash and fold the clothes.
Just what I’d do without her, heaven only knows.