There is a tale that when a star burns out,
It still sends its light to earth;
Through the loneliness of blackest space,
It crosses time and the universe.
But did you know the light it sends,
Isn’t the only thing it sends along,
Within its trail and barely heard,
Is the haunting melody of a star song.
Much like the whales in deepest seas,
Who call each other with their tones;
The stars call out as they die,
“Hear me” they say amidst their moans.
Like ice to water then ice once more,
Each life and soul meets ebb and flow;
Who’s to deny that when a child is born,
It didn’t come from within a stars wondrous glow.
For millions of years a star will shine,
And glisten darkest skies at night;
Waiting and waiting for just the right time,
To render a child its precious light.
A sacrifice so willingly given,
A greater gift has never been known,
To light again in a baby’s heart,
Is the brightest light to have ever been shown.
But the song you say yet hasn’t been heard,
The one that trails the light after;
Then I say listen again for the star song,
It’s hidden within a child’s laughter.
The cries, the coos, a baby’s first breath,
All songs the stars brought to our ears,
And one last thing comes with the light and the song,
When you pull them to your heart.. they come with tears.
It still sends its light to earth;
Through the loneliness of blackest space,
It crosses time and the universe.
But did you know the light it sends,
Isn’t the only thing it sends along,
Within its trail and barely heard,
Is the haunting melody of a star song.
Much like the whales in deepest seas,
Who call each other with their tones;
The stars call out as they die,
“Hear me” they say amidst their moans.
Like ice to water then ice once more,
Each life and soul meets ebb and flow;
Who’s to deny that when a child is born,
It didn’t come from within a stars wondrous glow.
For millions of years a star will shine,
And glisten darkest skies at night;
Waiting and waiting for just the right time,
To render a child its precious light.
A sacrifice so willingly given,
A greater gift has never been known,
To light again in a baby’s heart,
Is the brightest light to have ever been shown.
But the song you say yet hasn’t been heard,
The one that trails the light after;
Then I say listen again for the star song,
It’s hidden within a child’s laughter.
The cries, the coos, a baby’s first breath,
All songs the stars brought to our ears,
And one last thing comes with the light and the song,
When you pull them to your heart.. they come with tears.