Spring Swan "a song for all"
as the north starts to melt
a racket does be hear
god's creatures come alive
from the smallest to the largest
even in man's cities you shall see
god's wonderment called spring
the lakes and rivers shake their coats of ice
in the country you would be amazed
horses kicking up their heels
lonely fox with her new kits
mother cat with her 7 kittens
as the mist clears the land locked lake
the magnificent trumpeter swans return
spring is here rejoice all
god's wonderment his touch
as the north starts to melt
a racket does be hear
god's creatures come alive
from the smallest to the largest
even in man's cities you shall see
god's wonderment called spring
the lakes and rivers shake their coats of ice
in the country you would be amazed
horses kicking up their heels
lonely fox with her new kits
mother cat with her 7 kittens
as the mist clears the land locked lake
the magnificent trumpeter swans return
spring is here rejoice all
god's wonderment his touch