My girl looks out the window
wake up hurry wake up mommy
It's snowing out let's go she yells
I turn in my cocoon to see
Her eyes are shining in her crib
It's a snow day she says to me
Brothers are home let's get em
Come on Boone and Shawnee
Do you wanna build a snowman
Hurry let's do it she grabs a hand
Boots gloves hats and coats go on
Out the door so fast it's grand
Look, momma, it's Olaf
I smile and watch my girl
She hugs her snowman friend
Her brother gives her a twirl
In she comes a smile on her face
I love the snow momma do you
Off with the boots and coat
I hug her saying of course I do
A snow day is so much fun
With a two-year-old in tow
Her face aglow with happiness
She is worth everything I know
*author's note: It's these little things that remind me life is worth everything and to take nothing for granted. My girl was a surprise to us all as her brothers are 19 and 16. I'm grateful for the time they take and spend with her each day and know I am truly blessed.