Shades Of Light
Never seem to realize
Colors are seen through eyes
So how to believe anything
If you can't recognize
Far from sight
Losing might
Can't seem to follow
The right light
Shades of gray goes down alleys
Shades of green builds valleys
Shades of blue makes bright days
Shades of yellow produces ways
The chance to see
The chance to breathe
The chance to be
The best of me
4 if it was 2 dark
Life would have no meaning
Never seem to realize
Colors are seen through eyes
So how to believe anything
If you can't recognize
Far from sight
Losing might
Can't seem to follow
The right light
Shades of gray goes down alleys
Shades of green builds valleys
Shades of blue makes bright days
Shades of yellow produces ways
The chance to see
The chance to breathe
The chance to be
The best of me
4 if it was 2 dark
Life would have no meaning