How do you say good-bye to someone like her
What do you tell her
What can you say
She was there when needed most
She pulled you back from a certain end
She woke up your soul and supported your return
One of the two that kept you from taking that step
What do you say
How can you tell her what she did for you
Would she understand
Would she think you daft
Or maybe laugh it off
There are no words
There is no sentiment
No thoughts can express
What she means to your soul
But you know
You feel it deep
In a place that is still hidden
A place that no one goes
She helped open that closed door
So what the hell do you say
When she goes will the days stop
Will the night cease to come
No, life keeps pace with itself
Moving forward no matter what
Even if yours seems to slow down a beat
Life moves on
If you do not say the right things she may never know
If you say too little how can she know
You spend your time thinking of the perfect words
You know they are there
You know she deserves them
Then you look into her eyes
And the words ARE there
She WILL know
She will feel it
She has to know
Turning to her
The build-up complete
All you need do is speak
Just say it
Till we meet again