Analogous to his literary archetype,
An almost mythical father figure
Guides me through this labyrinth of life—
My time-honored mentor and protector.
With integrity and honesty exemplified,
Hypocrisy shunned, and shortcomings self-declared,
He lives his life by the highest standards.
My adoration and respect deserved and secured.
He’s bequeathed to me his earnest pledge,
Confirmed over and over again:
To watch over me always and protect me from harm,
Keep dragons at bay, and never let sharks swarm.
Encouraging me to release
The inhibitions in my heart, my mind, my soul—
His mantra oft-repeated: No boundaries, no limits, no regrets.
His acceptance total and love unconditional.
Hero, leader, surrogate, guide.
His influence secured. His love’s never questioned.
My affection’s unparalleled. My devotion’s eternal.
My surrogate father, my dream catcher, my friend.
An almost mythical father figure
Guides me through this labyrinth of life—
My time-honored mentor and protector.
With integrity and honesty exemplified,
Hypocrisy shunned, and shortcomings self-declared,
He lives his life by the highest standards.
My adoration and respect deserved and secured.
He’s bequeathed to me his earnest pledge,
Confirmed over and over again:
To watch over me always and protect me from harm,
Keep dragons at bay, and never let sharks swarm.
Encouraging me to release
The inhibitions in my heart, my mind, my soul—
His mantra oft-repeated: No boundaries, no limits, no regrets.
His acceptance total and love unconditional.
Hero, leader, surrogate, guide.
His influence secured. His love’s never questioned.
My affection’s unparalleled. My devotion’s eternal.
My surrogate father, my dream catcher, my friend.