My princess deserves to be playing with dolls with long purple hair
Or chasing rainbows to discover the gold.
Not dealing with these issues,
She is only a child.
Our home is our castle,
So she should have been safe.
Why did this happen?
What did she do?
I guess I am to blame,
Because I trusted this person
They were like my family
And I never suspected.
So as I went out on the town
Enjoying times with my friends
My princess was at home
With this monster scared to her bones.
When people come over now,
I am always nervous and on edge
Wanting, needing to protect my princess
From any possible threat.
So now as we follow the process
Trying to get justice.
But the only justice I want
Is this monster dead!
My princess is worried
But not about monsters
She is worried about me
And that makes me upset.