You came into my life
an turned my world upside down,
showing me what a truly caring
and loving friend is.
You took the time to listen
and have gotten to know the real me,
not the one I show the world
however, the real me
--the one usually hidden by my walls.
Your faith,
and most of all your love
helped me to grow more confident
each time we spoke,
hour-by-hour, day by day.
Thank you for showing me you
and taking the time and effort
to get to know me.
You truly are one in a million.
an turned my world upside down,
showing me what a truly caring
and loving friend is.
You took the time to listen
and have gotten to know the real me,
not the one I show the world
however, the real me
--the one usually hidden by my walls.
Your faith,
and most of all your love
helped me to grow more confident
each time we spoke,
hour-by-hour, day by day.
Thank you for showing me you
and taking the time and effort
to get to know me.
You truly are one in a million.