Beauty surrounds us, we have but to see.
The ugly is around us too, sadly.
Paradox of life and death is our view.
Enigmas form and still we continue.
The true human spirit never gives up.
It goes on and on until it must stop.
I watch the little begging baby bird
Trying to make its pleadings still be heard.
Life is strong within each creature we see,
And nothing ever will make them unfree.
They too have the souls that we claim to own.
Their true courage and honor are well known.
So why must people be so horrible.
To others they are incorrigible.
Trees flower and bloom as spring brings the rain,
Our world flows with the seasons once again.
Would that mankind would revel as before
When we found nature's fruits of life in store,
But we have lost that true feeling of bliss
That once we sought in the caress and kiss
Of Gaia that we ever felt before
When Terra was simply there to adore.
Now the hate and hardness overcome us
As we turn life into a false circus
Of twisting and turning frauds of true love
That comes from below and not from above.
Faith in one's trust of others gives one pause.
Faith in the depth of self is the best cause.
'Tis true we find a few honor a vow.
But, pity, it is the exception now.
How fine we can always turn to the earth
To sustain our souls and give us rebirth
With its beauty giving forth renewal,
Fortifying us against the cruel,
And breathing into our dead souls new life.
For me I have but to look towards my wife.
The ugly is around us too, sadly.
Paradox of life and death is our view.
Enigmas form and still we continue.
The true human spirit never gives up.
It goes on and on until it must stop.
I watch the little begging baby bird
Trying to make its pleadings still be heard.
Life is strong within each creature we see,
And nothing ever will make them unfree.
They too have the souls that we claim to own.
Their true courage and honor are well known.
So why must people be so horrible.
To others they are incorrigible.
Trees flower and bloom as spring brings the rain,
Our world flows with the seasons once again.
Would that mankind would revel as before
When we found nature's fruits of life in store,
But we have lost that true feeling of bliss
That once we sought in the caress and kiss
Of Gaia that we ever felt before
When Terra was simply there to adore.
Now the hate and hardness overcome us
As we turn life into a false circus
Of twisting and turning frauds of true love
That comes from below and not from above.
Faith in one's trust of others gives one pause.
Faith in the depth of self is the best cause.
'Tis true we find a few honor a vow.
But, pity, it is the exception now.
How fine we can always turn to the earth
To sustain our souls and give us rebirth
With its beauty giving forth renewal,
Fortifying us against the cruel,
And breathing into our dead souls new life.
For me I have but to look towards my wife.