Looking into the morning skies
Not a cloud to grace my eyes
Across the blue only a contrail
Hanging in the sky like a veil
Tranquil air delivering a chill
Bird calls splintering the still
Darkness breaking into light
Clear blue heavens a delight
Around the edges upon the hill
Golden shadows begin to mill
Sun soon will rise high and heat
Frosty ground it will surly defeat
Another beautiful clear spring day
Outside today is the place to play
Not a cloud to grace my eyes
Across the blue only a contrail
Hanging in the sky like a veil
Tranquil air delivering a chill
Bird calls splintering the still
Darkness breaking into light
Clear blue heavens a delight
Around the edges upon the hill
Golden shadows begin to mill
Sun soon will rise high and heat
Frosty ground it will surly defeat
Another beautiful clear spring day
Outside today is the place to play