I have a friend who I miss very much;
Over the years we’ve kept in touch.
I phoned each time I came into town,
We’d meet to catch up and share the lowdown.
A high school friend, what more can there be?
Alas, he never thinks about contacting me.
So while I am his friend, is it always to be
That my friendship is misplaced eternally?
I have another friend and we always speak
Perhaps for hours on the phone each week.
From my high school days, too, it all began
He’s a good friend and a very good man.
What is the difference between the two?
Why does one know my voice and the other says “Who?”
The answer escapes me, I cannot explain
Why I must always tell one my name.
Life is a puzzle; jigsaw decreed,
Pieces a-jumble, colors bleed.
Choose your friends and always be true,
Even though one may not choose you.