If my life I wished to end,
I’d throw myself out far,
Past the foam my ship creates,
Into the navy dark.
Within the waves I’d teeter,
Down and up, down, down.
The remnants of my last regretful will-
Soon by the sea are overthrown.
Above- my eyes see the light,
Shimmering in and out,
Waving my last farewell to the sun,
Releasing a muted shout.
Slow and flowing down I dance,
Through the silent dark,
As pure serenity overtakes,
My torn and tattered heart.
At this point- I accept,
My chosen inevitable fate,
And in the sinking I then let,
My fragile soul escape.
Not long after this,
My blinded eyes gently close,
And my arms, feet, and legs,
Limp like a rag doll pose.
My body then sinks further still,
And through the wet procession go,
Until my salty grave it reaches,
In the depths below.
I’d throw myself out far,
Past the foam my ship creates,
Into the navy dark.
Within the waves I’d teeter,
Down and up, down, down.
The remnants of my last regretful will-
Soon by the sea are overthrown.
Above- my eyes see the light,
Shimmering in and out,
Waving my last farewell to the sun,
Releasing a muted shout.
Slow and flowing down I dance,
Through the silent dark,
As pure serenity overtakes,
My torn and tattered heart.
At this point- I accept,
My chosen inevitable fate,
And in the sinking I then let,
My fragile soul escape.
Not long after this,
My blinded eyes gently close,
And my arms, feet, and legs,
Limp like a rag doll pose.
My body then sinks further still,
And through the wet procession go,
Until my salty grave it reaches,
In the depths below.