Sometimes I’m in a jungle
tripping over vines,
shoving my way through bushes,
looking for a path,
wondering if there is one
and asking with every breath
where am I?
Other times my mind is an eagle
high above the trees and mountains,
soaring over lakes,
my heart filled with sky,
my eyes searching for the nourishment
I need, wanting to dive deep
into the pools inside.
So many times I wonder if this body I wear,
this mask that is my face,
these eyes, a window letting in the light,
my breath a miracle that lets me say these words
that come from who knows where,
these words that rise into my mind
and lets me know I’m here, alive
living with astonishment.
Where is my mind and imagination?
Is it in my brain or in my heart,
or swimming through my veins,
speeding through my nerves, my cells
and molecules and when I see the rising sun,
know its heat, gaze at the moon, the stars
that come to me through the portal of my eyes,
I feel my mind is with the stars,
transcending the world I know,
my words coming from the dark
and endless universe out there,
mysteriously, mystically, and when I remember
I think therefore I am,
I want to hear my mind resist and say
No, I think therefore I care.