Heavens filled with sparkling jewels, to the brim.
Moon scarcely visible, newness gracing its rim.
Silence invaded with songs piercing the night.
Brother Coyote sings and yips with pure delight.
Setting the neighbourhood dogs to baying.
Does each know, what the other's saying?
Owl accompanies, with her distinctive hoots.
Creeks calming voice, harmonizing in cahoots.
If it weren't so dark, I know my eyes could see.
Music notes floating by, all in the proper key.
I hear beautiful resonations of native flutes.
Wonderful chanting voices, from my roots.
Musical harmonies, I find quite comforting.
Sounds some may find a bit disconcerting.
Nothing eerie or disturbing about it at all.
A blessing really, listening to nature's call.