If there were no love in the world
Would we all erect a dwelling
Sound proofing it's walls
Deadening the music
Maybe furnishing it with darkened rooms
Lined with tarnished fixtures
So bleeding hearts can blend and disappear unnoticed
A place where fresh scars cannot be seen
A refuge where agonizing screams are silenced outwardly
On the outside showing a facade resembling paradise
On the inside lava pools fuming with guilty fear
Full to the brim with misplaced souls trying to find loves lost
Searching for...
Longing for..
Second chances
Shattered and torn
Laying in ruin like Roman coliseums
If there is love in the world
We could construct a home
With no walls or encumbrances blocking out the sunshine
Furnished with colorful soft satin pillows
Where weary souls can rest peacefully
It's pools overflowing with warmth and understanding
Brimming with healed souls no longer searching...
Being themselves not having to hide
Sharing affection with all
Showing no trepidation
Welcoming with open arms
All wayward souls home
To hear music rise from amongst the ruins