Mirror mirror on the wall.
Why is it the good must fall?
Does this world demand sacrifice?
Only from those with secret sins and vice.
This world its choices are not to clear.
Everyone can play this little game my dear.
Longing for a ray of hope.
All I see is the hangman’s rope.
Good or evil all will fall.
The grave my love welcomes them all.
Short and to the point, like most of our lives.
Why is it the good must fall?
Does this world demand sacrifice?
Only from those with secret sins and vice.
This world its choices are not to clear.
Everyone can play this little game my dear.
Longing for a ray of hope.
All I see is the hangman’s rope.
Good or evil all will fall.
The grave my love welcomes them all.
Short and to the point, like most of our lives.