This poem only available on Stories Space. If you are reading it elsewhere, it has been stolen.
Far beyond the leaden barriers,
Where ancient silver wood shields
Oceans of unknown,
There flow acres of wild crystal waters
That burst diamonds in sprays of rainbows
As they hide behind witching hour walls;
Resplendent gems of turquoise beauty
Lie naked under swathes of thundering skies.
May I reach out and touch
Such joy with a single fingertip,
Or does Destiny sit me in the scented shade
And curl her perfume in wonderous imaginings
That drive the angels weeping in pity
Upon crumbling rocks of underwhelming succour?
Look to the roiling skies?
Not I.
For the fiery sunrise refuses
To kiss my skin;
The lemon-balmy days refuse to dance on the surface of tears
As they abandon my tongue's desire
To dance behind my lips in reckless, feral beauty.
There, then,
Lies the
Down pathways where I may not tread,
Through doorways built into creeping vines,
Where scented night blossoms give way to sunlit, nectar kisses,
And the air is fragrant sweet.
Midnight owns me,
And the doors are locked.
This poem only available on Stories Space. If you are reading it elsewhere, it has been stolen.
Far beyond the leaden barriers,
Where ancient silver wood shields
Oceans of unknown,
There flow acres of wild crystal waters
That burst diamonds in sprays of rainbows
As they hide behind witching hour walls;
Resplendent gems of turquoise beauty
Lie naked under swathes of thundering skies.
May I reach out and touch
Such joy with a single fingertip,
Or does Destiny sit me in the scented shade
And curl her perfume in wonderous imaginings
That drive the angels weeping in pity
Upon crumbling rocks of underwhelming succour?
Look to the roiling skies?
Not I.
For the fiery sunrise refuses
To kiss my skin;
The lemon-balmy days refuse to dance on the surface of tears
As they abandon my tongue's desire
To dance behind my lips in reckless, feral beauty.
There, then,
Lies the
Down pathways where I may not tread,
Through doorways built into creeping vines,
Where scented night blossoms give way to sunlit, nectar kisses,
And the air is fragrant sweet.
Midnight owns me,
And the doors are locked.
This poem only available on Stories Space. If you are reading it elsewhere, it has been stolen.