As I get older, the more I appreciate life.
Take the little Chickadee I found today.
Once, living life with not too much strife.
On its back, still, lifeless, black and grey.
It had flown into a window ending verve.
Spirit leaving his body in a millisecond.
At the end, not sufficient time to swerve.
To the universe its spirit beckoned.
Picking its frozen body from the ground.
This could be me, or a family member.
Maybe a friend, dead waiting to be found.
No longer breathing, or a life contender.
Holding its tiny feathered body in my hand.
Reflecting at the beauty even in death.
The softness, color, and markings so grand.
Wishing, please take another breath!
Tears forming in the corners of my eyes.
Wondering if a soul really ever does perish?
Does a spirit leave the body, when it dies?
Death we all face, life we all should cherish.
Live each day as if it will be our last.
Appreciating life for what it is, living.
Enjoying each second having a blast.
Spending our days without misgiving.