Sipping a cool soda on a hot summer day
Reaching out to touch her left hand
Paying her a left-handed compliment
With grace, she pays it back
My beauty
My proud beauty
Touching with the left hand of love
Holding hands
My right hand in her left hand
Perfectly right for me
And for her
My little leftie of love
Walking and talking
In grace and joy
And tickling the palm of her left hand
Spending what time we have left
Touching fingertips to fingertips
And trembling lips to tender lips
Perfectly complementary
Is the compliment she pays to me
With her gentle caressing hand
And my gratitude manifests with my own hand
The right hand of love
Expressing the love we found
Always find
When we touch in love
So make no mistake about it dear one
My compliments are true
Even when touching her left hand
The hand I reach for each night
The hand she reaches out
To find me
To bind me
To her forever more
With the left and right hands of our lives