Alone at night
Stars sparkling
I think of warmth lost to me
My soul is cold
Touch of fear
Yet I admire nature’s cold beauties
I close my eyes darkness to match the skies
I hear the sound of dying life
World is still awake
Some are sleeping some are on the roads
On endless journey
Struggle to make ends meet
Celebrations somewhere of good over evil
Some bidding farewell to dead
All waiting for dawn yet to come
My eyes search for some respite
Wherever I see from my perch high up
It’s all surrounded by electric lights
Fake, facsimile of a real life
Crystal, bright, cold like the rest of the days
No one belongs to anyone anywhere
A fact we are all of unaware
Wandering souls in hope of light
We will thirst for enlightening till eternity.
Stars sparkling
I think of warmth lost to me
My soul is cold
Touch of fear
Yet I admire nature’s cold beauties
I close my eyes darkness to match the skies
I hear the sound of dying life
World is still awake
Some are sleeping some are on the roads
On endless journey
Struggle to make ends meet
Celebrations somewhere of good over evil
Some bidding farewell to dead
All waiting for dawn yet to come
My eyes search for some respite
Wherever I see from my perch high up
It’s all surrounded by electric lights
Fake, facsimile of a real life
Crystal, bright, cold like the rest of the days
No one belongs to anyone anywhere
A fact we are all of unaware
Wandering souls in hope of light
We will thirst for enlightening till eternity.