I don’t understand how you sleep
How your heart doesn’t pound out of your chest
How your palms don’t sweat
While your fingertips clutch at nothing.
I don’t understand how your throat
Isn’t a barren desert
How your barbed tongue forms words
When it should crumble to dust.
I don’t understand how your eyes
can be so vacant and far
When the mirror shows you the
Truth of your character
I don’t understand what you consider valueless
A way to push without falling
But unravels the safety net under you
That you pretend was never there.
I wish I could ask
How you fell and when.
What justifies a deep betrayal
And the poison sting of your petty desperation
It’s not my place to ask
I wasn’t the one you betrayed
I’ll keep my distance and safety
But know my teeth are sharper
Than yours could ever hope to be.