When a child is brought into this human race .
Innocent, totally pure, body, mind and soul.
Beliefs, adulterated by others, having to face.
Impressionable, without any damage control.
Accepting propaganda, becoming a safe place.
Expectations of others soon, they have to learn.
Recognition, not reservation, now made the rule.
Signs of rebellion, will cause their butt to burn.
Pain enforcing dominance, exceptionally cruel.
Feeling no discomfort, becoming their concern.
Purity lost, forced acceptance of another's mind.
Eventually, marching with societies normal flow.
Not able to hear their drum beating, undermined.
Unnatural most times, only living the status quo.
Assuming role mankind, historically has assigned.
Generally careful, not wanting to stimulate trouble.
Stretching preverbal bubble, careful not to explode.
Uniqueness relinquished, personality an alter double.
Fear, dictating performance, living to societies code.
Pure body, mind and soul, now only a mass of rubble.
Imagine, what a wonderful place this world could be.
Children hearing, feeling, hearts beat to their own drum.
Following their own mind, purity being the only key.
New beginnings, not contaminated, having to succumb.
Souls not forced to conform, or surrender, individuality.