He was a golden boy
A handsome lad
A good son
A fearless father
A stanch friend
Loving brother
If I had a son he would have been like you
Full of laughter and light
A country boys swagger and snappy comebacks
Not my son in blood but the one of my heart
Yes a good son indeed
You wandered this world fearless
Meeting life head on with a twinkle of mayhem in your smile
Staring down the dark burning bright as the noon day sun
My golden boy with the finest of hearts
I hold you in mine
What a legacy you leave behind
Two young daughters one bright and gay one with mischief in her eyes
She looks like you
So young for such a last journey to be called home
So much life so little time you had
So I sit here remembering storing you in my memory box of laughter and pain
So much more I would have said if I had known loves you moms was to be our last conversation
Yes my son I will call you that
Not of my body but the son of my heart
Twentyfive years your flame burned bright
You strayed from the path and paid a heavy price
Living life with delight and good cheer that was your way
I celebrate your life with laughter and joy
I am the richer for knowing you my boy
I pay homage to you my son with these simple words of love from a moms heart
I say goodby my son
Your blood mixed with mine
Two little girls with the same twinkle in their eyes
Few can claim such a legacy of love you left behind
A handsome lad
A good son
A fearless father
A stanch friend
Loving brother
If I had a son he would have been like you
Full of laughter and light
A country boys swagger and snappy comebacks
Not my son in blood but the one of my heart
Yes a good son indeed
You wandered this world fearless
Meeting life head on with a twinkle of mayhem in your smile
Staring down the dark burning bright as the noon day sun
My golden boy with the finest of hearts
I hold you in mine
What a legacy you leave behind
Two young daughters one bright and gay one with mischief in her eyes
She looks like you
So young for such a last journey to be called home
So much life so little time you had
So I sit here remembering storing you in my memory box of laughter and pain
So much more I would have said if I had known loves you moms was to be our last conversation
Yes my son I will call you that
Not of my body but the son of my heart
Twentyfive years your flame burned bright
You strayed from the path and paid a heavy price
Living life with delight and good cheer that was your way
I celebrate your life with laughter and joy
I am the richer for knowing you my boy
I pay homage to you my son with these simple words of love from a moms heart
I say goodby my son
Your blood mixed with mine
Two little girls with the same twinkle in their eyes
Few can claim such a legacy of love you left behind