You found it hard to breathe
And couldn't
I felt what you felt
And shouldn't
But when you wheeze
I can't breathe
When your chest is tight
Mine is too
I feel what you feel
I can't breathe when you can't
My chest pains me too
It gives me a fright
My son
I was terrified
That you could not breathe
Breathing is to survive
You scared
The death out of me
I love you so much
Don't you see?
I wanted to breathe
For you
I love and adore you
You are my son
My number one
You frightened the hell
Out of your poor mum.
And couldn't
I felt what you felt
And shouldn't
But when you wheeze
I can't breathe
When your chest is tight
Mine is too
I feel what you feel
I can't breathe when you can't
My chest pains me too
It gives me a fright
My son
I was terrified
That you could not breathe
Breathing is to survive
You scared
The death out of me
I love you so much
Don't you see?
I wanted to breathe
For you
I love and adore you
You are my son
My number one
You frightened the hell
Out of your poor mum.