As I sit upon the ancient sand
With the faithful sun above
My eyes relax in hypnotic calm
As the sea laps with eternal love
Swashing waves of tenderness
Push up the satin shore
Gentle hands of massage
Which glide down again once more
Comfort's sigh infuses
As the sea does glint and dance
With salt-air in my nostrils
I merge into a trance
No reflection of past or future
Intrudes my supine mind
I am there with the waters
We ebb and flow combined
A picture, a dream, a feeling
As if the glistening beach my skin
The waters soothe in motion
My friend, my soul, my kin
We are together everlasting
Thought and nature as one frame
Swaying hands together
So powerful yet tame
I am not on the ancient sand
The sand and sea is me
We inter-blend in oneness
At once moving, still and free