Snips and snails
And puppy-dogs’ tails.
Asleep, compliant,
Momentarily silent.
Dreaming of nips?
Or plates of chips,
Plus yogurt drops,
And paddle pops?
Defined. Ironic, dude
You love sweet food;
Sugar and spice,
And all that's nice.
That grin, your grin,
Happy in your skin.
Lock in feeling hearty,
Past this birthday party.
Smile, sit, crawl, toddle.
You; your own role model.
We don’t want peace to last,
“Why?” is never in the past.
Your world’s a wonder,
Not exploring a blunder.
Go dream something big,
Imagine odd, don't give a fig.
Kaleidoscope dream,
Not hard as it can seem.
But, when you try,
Know big boys can cry.
Nothing trumps your scheme,
Even dad's football dream.
Your life: go mine love’s gift,
Daydreams, don’t ever drift.
Know there’s a forever place,
Here you can show your face.
Tinker, tailor, soldier, spy.
Not our place asking why.
But this year? Smaller goals,
Not life-defining roles.
Let’s start by getting talking,
And perfecting your walking.