Tears are words I cannot speak.
They come from deep inside this ache
and say what I can’t say.
Sometimes I wish they would not come
into the corner of my eye,
then roll along my nose
and touch my lips.
I wish my tongue would never taste again
the liquid
from that source inside.
Sometimes I wish I did not think
or feel
and like this Stone,
could know a quietness inside
and be—
just be.
Sometimes I wish
that I could hold my thoughts
and feelings
at my side
the way I held my fists
when I was called before the Gods
and judged
to be a criminal
for my delinquent ways,
my disrespect for laws
my heart could not obey.
That day—
there were no words,
no tears,
no shivers of regret
when I was shown this Stone
and told my punishment.
I would not let them see my rage
at what I faced—
this burden I was given
as a way of life.
I did not bow to them
or turn away to hide my agony,
but swallowed
what was burning there.
And now, Dear Stars,
if you see tears rising with my voice,
know how hard I try to hold them back—
know that when I speak
these tears come from my weariness
and being weak.