Our crime was anarchy.
Ignoring laws,
building fires,
blocking streets,
shouting, “NO! NO!
in the market place.
We climbed their walls,
threw stones at their houses,
sat at their gates
and would not budge
our hearts and minds.
Again and again
their soldiers came
to drag us by our hair to dungeons,
but could not keep us there.
We were their sons and daughters,
but had no homes.
We could not pledge allegiance to their flag,
could not obey the laws of men
who ruled like gods,
oppressive and indifferent,
a nation built on genocide,
on slavery,
on conquering other lands
and bleeding poison into our rivers.
No! was our crime.
Our punishment
surrendering to obedience,
pretending to say Yes!
forced to live a quiet, desperate life,
ignoring the urge for something more
than dinner, wine and comfort.
Some of us crossed the sea
and left for forests and the wilderness
to breath fresh air,
and build our simple homes on common ground
where honesty was king,
where love was queen,
where borders disappeared
and the heart was the only nation.
Some took root in this new land
and we grew our families there.
Some found they had too much to learn
and overcome to have their dream
of paradise survive.
Some were lost,
wandering in a wilderness,
drunk and drugged,
broken spirits
stumbling toward oblivion,
searching for a place
where they could dream again.
Some got fat and numb
from swallowing delicious meat
and sat back on their pillows,
half asleep,
forgetting who they were
when they were lean
and full of fire.
Some walked the halls of palaces,
looking from their windows
at the streets where once they shouted NO!
Some stood in their rooms looking at themselves
in mirrors, mumbling words they could not say,
whispering to themselves,
nodding, remembering.
Some listened when I said,
“Security is the enemy of the people,”
and off we sailed to distant shores
pilgrims searching for a promised land somewhere,
a place to turn new paths into the street
where we could stand,
hold hands
and pledge allegiance to the flag of peace
and not repeat the history we despised.
Oh stars, if saying NO! is the crime they claim,
then I accept this hill, this stone, this shame.