5 a.m. Blues
Sitting here
Clock ticking
Tap dripping
Fridge buzzing
Stomach rumbling
Nose freezing
Ears twitching
When does the peace come blazing in?
Sitting here
Head aching
Phone blinking
Birds tweeting
Heart thumping
Feet freezing
Eyes watering
When does the gladness zoom into my being?
Standing here
Body leaning
Brain ticking
Fingers grasping
Kettle boiling
Tea brewing
Porridge waiting
When does is all make sense?
Sitting here
Clock ticking
Tap dripping
Fridge buzzing
Stomach rumbling
Nose freezing
Ears twitching
When does the peace come blazing in?
Sitting here
Head aching
Phone blinking
Birds tweeting
Heart thumping
Feet freezing
Eyes watering
When does the gladness zoom into my being?
Standing here
Body leaning
Brain ticking
Fingers grasping
Kettle boiling
Tea brewing
Porridge waiting
When does is all make sense?