Crying in the night
A warm breast
Wailing wet and cold
Bright colors fluttering above
A painted ceiling chipped and cracked
Hushed voices, muttering tones
Slamming doors and epithets
The smell of soap on your clothes
Diapers and dirty knees
Eyes raised to smiling faces
Head bowed to escape scowls
Meals served on plastic trays
Cheerios on the floor
The whisper of a cricket's breath
The sting of a wasp
Fireflies just out of reach
A Santa Claus who never came
A teacher who inspires you
Others who berate you
Encouragement each day
Derision each night
A quest for answers
Expected to know them even when they don't
The wonder of a best friend
A broken heart of first love
Each day a greater hope
Disappointment at each turn
Picked up and held after a fall
Skinned knees and scabs from them all
Crying because you are happy
Take your beating and never cry
Reaching out to a waiting hand
Falling and never caught
Sadness of first leaving the nest
Doors slammed and locked behind you
A well-lighted path over the horizon
Not one, but many
Which would you grow up to be?