She asks me if I know what this means
Like the seeds of a dandelion
Blown by the harsh winds of intention versus expectation
I am a black woman and the seed
Is the marrow of my spine
The wind has caught in the thickness of my hair
Lifting me to this place among pale faces
Liminal Being
She asks me if I know what this means
When I catch the sea at high tide
I will drift to my people in familiar waters
To hear them speak not to me
Not to a face they no longer recognize
But of me
In whispers with side glances
I will hide fingers that snap like peas
Off beat
Eagerly awaiting smiles
I who now recite Baldwin, Brooks and Dove
On deaf ears
Praying for yet another strong wind
I am forever unsettled, drifting...
Is this what it means to be an educated black woman
Diaspora, Liminal Being
Yes I say
I am familiar with these terms
This class should be an easy A
She asks me if I know what this means
Like the seeds of a dandelion
Blown by the harsh winds of intention versus expectation
I am a black woman and the seed
Is the marrow of my spine
The wind has caught in the thickness of my hair
Lifting me to this place among pale faces
Liminal Being
She asks me if I know what this means
When I catch the sea at high tide
I will drift to my people in familiar waters
To hear them speak not to me
Not to a face they no longer recognize
But of me
In whispers with side glances
I will hide fingers that snap like peas
Off beat
Eagerly awaiting smiles
I who now recite Baldwin, Brooks and Dove
On deaf ears
Praying for yet another strong wind
I am forever unsettled, drifting...
Is this what it means to be an educated black woman
Diaspora, Liminal Being
Yes I say
I am familiar with these terms
This class should be an easy A