dawn breaks slowly
inching forward
as if
it dares not disturb the night
like a lover dares not disturb
the one he loves
while she is sleeping
he climbs into bed
and pulls the covers
around her
so that she is warm
and he selflessly gives
himself to her
and she never notices
how his eyes are the color of coal
and wrought with pain
and how sometimes
when she isn't looking
a tear slides down his cheek
but she doesn't pay attention
and he wakes up in the morning
and brushes his teeth
and looks into the mirror
and cannot recognize himself
but he knows
that she is his better half
and he loves her
but it is never enough
so he stops
one day
he just stops
he doesn't make her coffee
even though
she needs it
and she needs him
and she doesn't even realize
that he stops
or that
his smile is a sneer
and one day
she comes home
to an empty house
devoid of their love
and she knows
that he is gone
and the night washes over her
and the next morning the dawn
breaks again
but she is not there
to see it.
inching forward
as if
it dares not disturb the night
like a lover dares not disturb
the one he loves
while she is sleeping
he climbs into bed
and pulls the covers
around her
so that she is warm
and he selflessly gives
himself to her
and she never notices
how his eyes are the color of coal
and wrought with pain
and how sometimes
when she isn't looking
a tear slides down his cheek
but she doesn't pay attention
and he wakes up in the morning
and brushes his teeth
and looks into the mirror
and cannot recognize himself
but he knows
that she is his better half
and he loves her
but it is never enough
so he stops
one day
he just stops
he doesn't make her coffee
even though
she needs it
and she needs him
and she doesn't even realize
that he stops
or that
his smile is a sneer
and one day
she comes home
to an empty house
devoid of their love
and she knows
that he is gone
and the night washes over her
and the next morning the dawn
breaks again
but she is not there
to see it.