Many summers yes, have come and gone.
Countless struggles, but still vigorous.
Offerings abound, blessings numerous.
67 plus years ago this old man did spawn.
Like many who grew up in my day.
Memories some good, some bad.
Frequent challenges yes I've had.
Damaged somewhat along the way.
Darkness visited too many times.
Demons alive, swim deep in my well.
My secrets disquieting, not a hard sell.
All color vanishes in those confines.
Fighting to get my self back.
Moving towards the light I sigh.
Rainbows again arched on high.
Veracity, truly what I still lack.
60 years, not sharing a thing with another.
Totally hidden away, if I was not alone.
Fearing rejection, if real me was shown.
Concealing even from my own mother.
Not many privy to witness my spree.
Back to my well I go deeper each time.
Guilt-ridden, bitter, covered with grime.
Alter self never displaying its caller ID.
One day a reckoning surely will come.
For fears never faced, or reallocated.
ID revealed, life-form contaminated.
Mortified, I'll wither and succumb.