This poem only available on Stories Space. If you are reading it elsewhere, it has been stolen.
Search the skies for precious gems
And roll the waters away.
Reveal the treasures so deeply hidden
And sweep the night to day.
Weave a song so glorious,
A song to grow the dawn!
A melody of sparkling dew
To grace the fresh blushed morn.
The bursting colours of the earth
Lie dusty on the wing
Of butterflies, decayed and lost,
No dance can they now bring.
My heart lies lost in cobweb chains,
A prison, your construction.
My life is in your iron hands,
My starry night destruction.
For what dawn claims the wasted breath
Where blossom petals die?
What hope remains of loving arms
For such a one as I?
This poem only available on Stories Space. If you are reading it elsewhere, it has been stolen.
Search the skies for precious gems
And roll the waters away.
Reveal the treasures so deeply hidden
And sweep the night to day.
Weave a song so glorious,
A song to grow the dawn!
A melody of sparkling dew
To grace the fresh blushed morn.
The bursting colours of the earth
Lie dusty on the wing
Of butterflies, decayed and lost,
No dance can they now bring.
My heart lies lost in cobweb chains,
A prison, your construction.
My life is in your iron hands,
My starry night destruction.
For what dawn claims the wasted breath
Where blossom petals die?
What hope remains of loving arms
For such a one as I?
This poem only available on Stories Space. If you are reading it elsewhere, it has been stolen.