This was inspired by the words of our own, darklight30 in Sunday Sermon
Brothers and Sisters
We are all children of the universe,
everyone brother and sister.
Really does it matter if we are short, tall,
large, thin, fat, or small.
There are none of us above reproach,
not one without baggage.
We are all here to pass through life,
not to judge or persecute.
There is not a perfect one in the bunch,
when it comes to the crunch.
Really does it matter the color of our skin,
purple, green or violet.
We all only want to be loved and accepted,
for who we truly are.
There are some who think they can choose,
for another person.
Really does anyone you know, deserve
to be on top of the heap.
We all deserve to live our lives without jeopardy.
There should only be one set of rules for all.
Treat another as you would like to be treated.
Then we would all love and accept our brothers and sisters.
Really the one and only rule that this world needs.
Brothers and Sisters
We are all children of the universe,
everyone brother and sister.
Really does it matter if we are short, tall,
large, thin, fat, or small.
There are none of us above reproach,
not one without baggage.
We are all here to pass through life,
not to judge or persecute.
There is not a perfect one in the bunch,
when it comes to the crunch.
Really does it matter the color of our skin,
purple, green or violet.
We all only want to be loved and accepted,
for who we truly are.
There are some who think they can choose,
for another person.
Really does anyone you know, deserve
to be on top of the heap.
We all deserve to live our lives without jeopardy.
There should only be one set of rules for all.
Treat another as you would like to be treated.
Then we would all love and accept our brothers and sisters.
Really the one and only rule that this world needs.