This poem only available on Stories Space. If you are reading it elsewhere, it has been stolen.
She walks the world with heavy beauty,
Never seeing decadence in her curves;
Eyes regard her lively, loving,
In sumptuous angles of
Laughter and satin
That tie her soul in a strong-willed bow
Against the pain that breaks her heart
And holds her heart in sorrows past
And fears so present,
Where words are growing and overflowing
To share her secrets with her pen
On your paper soul.
Seen through the mirror,
Velvet blues and purple hues paint her skies
And kiss her dreams away
As the sun rises and sets in mighty splendour
Where her beauty breaks the rushing dawn,
Suffusing Nature with faithful earth
In which to grow roses of yesteryear
And tomorrow the years will groan with fruits
That she has inspired and
Pressed for heady, mirthsome wine
For all who taste of her labours and loves.
Blue silk shall shroud the darkening cosmos,
Hiding the monsters until she rends their being
And scrutinises how and why and where and when
She lost the image of her perfection in imperfection,
And lost her smiles in the wardrobe where darkness fell.
Where sun is longed for,
The stars still call,
For she walks the world beneath their joy
Although she may not seek their diamonds
To shine as her backdrop in the shining pool
Where she looks into her soul
And sings for praise of being and living and loving
She walks the world with heavy beauty,
With richness and joy embroidered upon her blue velvet gown
And soft shining lace is her veil of loveliness
Hiding the crown of her unknown royalty,
For all she once saw was a clumsy clown,
The fool falling down in ignorant betrayal,
Where all the world can see her form
With her words and her art
And her intricate heart that she lays on the page
When she writes her spirit into alphabet strings
That grow her readers wings so they might fly.
Her beauty is immense,
And she cannot see it.
This poem only available on Stories Space. If you are reading it elsewhere, it has been stolen.
She walks the world with heavy beauty,
Never seeing decadence in her curves;
Eyes regard her lively, loving,
In sumptuous angles of
Laughter and satin
That tie her soul in a strong-willed bow
Against the pain that breaks her heart
And holds her heart in sorrows past
And fears so present,
Where words are growing and overflowing
To share her secrets with her pen
On your paper soul.
Seen through the mirror,
Velvet blues and purple hues paint her skies
And kiss her dreams away
As the sun rises and sets in mighty splendour
Where her beauty breaks the rushing dawn,
Suffusing Nature with faithful earth
In which to grow roses of yesteryear
And tomorrow the years will groan with fruits
That she has inspired and
Pressed for heady, mirthsome wine
For all who taste of her labours and loves.
Blue silk shall shroud the darkening cosmos,
Hiding the monsters until she rends their being
And scrutinises how and why and where and when
She lost the image of her perfection in imperfection,
And lost her smiles in the wardrobe where darkness fell.
Where sun is longed for,
The stars still call,
For she walks the world beneath their joy
Although she may not seek their diamonds
To shine as her backdrop in the shining pool
Where she looks into her soul
And sings for praise of being and living and loving
She walks the world with heavy beauty,
With richness and joy embroidered upon her blue velvet gown
And soft shining lace is her veil of loveliness
Hiding the crown of her unknown royalty,
For all she once saw was a clumsy clown,
The fool falling down in ignorant betrayal,
Where all the world can see her form
With her words and her art
And her intricate heart that she lays on the page
When she writes her spirit into alphabet strings
That grow her readers wings so they might fly.
Her beauty is immense,
And she cannot see it.
This poem only available on Stories Space. If you are reading it elsewhere, it has been stolen.