The crossroads.
Sitting under the shade of a tree
resting from working
In the citrus orchard.
I viewed the crossroads
Of my future life.
A lonely decision.
Nineteen was the age to be brave
To take the right path
One path to London
Back to square one.
Same old dreariness
Same old hostility
Same old fear.
To mediocrity
Same family rows
A city life drone.
The other path
To go to India
Promised and planned for
With my friend, who now had a man
To find the answers
In an ashram.
Her eager plans with me forgotten.
Do I travel alone?
Stretching outward invitingly
The path to Mexico
With my love
plunging into the unknown.
Better a path raw and new.
Than loosing the chance to
Find a life
Where I could discover
Who I could be.
Reinvent myself.
With my love whose warmth
Heated my iced in heart.
The road to Mexico
Raw and exciting
Young love so tender,
trembling, tenuous
Could be easily caste aside
Through my second sight
I could see further ahead
To a future
When together as soul mates
We would reach our serenity
And rejoice
in our togetherness
I stepped out of the pristine palace
of the airport
Into a strange land
Cicadas screaming
Crows cawing
Street venders shouting out
their wares
Corn on the cob, green mangos.
Short square Indians
with embroidered dresses
Serapes to protect
themselves from the chill
Of a city 2,500 meters into the sky
“So this is my new daughter in law”
He said with veiled sarcasm
Giving a high pitched thin laugh.
Sitting under the shade of a tree
resting from working
In the citrus orchard.
I viewed the crossroads
Of my future life.
A lonely decision.
Nineteen was the age to be brave
To take the right path
One path to London
Back to square one.
Same old dreariness
Same old hostility
Same old fear.
To mediocrity
Same family rows
A city life drone.
The other path
To go to India
Promised and planned for
With my friend, who now had a man
To find the answers
In an ashram.
Her eager plans with me forgotten.
Do I travel alone?
Stretching outward invitingly
The path to Mexico
With my love
plunging into the unknown.
Better a path raw and new.
Than loosing the chance to
Find a life
Where I could discover
Who I could be.
Reinvent myself.
With my love whose warmth
Heated my iced in heart.
The road to Mexico
Raw and exciting
Young love so tender,
trembling, tenuous
Could be easily caste aside
Through my second sight
I could see further ahead
To a future
When together as soul mates
We would reach our serenity
And rejoice
in our togetherness
I stepped out of the pristine palace
of the airport
Into a strange land
Cicadas screaming
Crows cawing
Street venders shouting out
their wares
Corn on the cob, green mangos.
Short square Indians
with embroidered dresses
Serapes to protect
themselves from the chill
Of a city 2,500 meters into the sky
“So this is my new daughter in law”
He said with veiled sarcasm
Giving a high pitched thin laugh.