Driving in the rain
It was hard to see
It's how this adventure
Began for us three
Shimmering before us
Was a magical portal
It led us to a land
Filled with Immortals
Reece and Giorgia
Gave cries of delight
A place, so beautiful
With sun's shining so bright
Full of fast cars
And magical beings
Reece and Giorgia rubbed their eyes
Not believing what they were seeing
We pulled over near a track
Where a Centaur was pacing
Cars were zooming by so fast
Floating as they were racing
Reece shouted in excitement
The Centaur turned and smiled
Waved his hand in motion
Said "come closer to me child."
We were a little nervous
It has to be said
But fairies flew around us
Said "go on you're safe with Fred."
Fred placed Reece upon his back
As careful as can be
Moved forward in the crowd
So better Reece could see
He was completely mesmerised
Watching magical cars go zooming
Fairies surrounded Giorgia
Her hair they started grooming
A horse with wings approached us
Giorgia cried out in delight
The fairies placed her on his back
And the pair of them took flight
As they flew around us
I couldn't believe my eyes
I heard her beautiful laugh
As Giorgia soared through the skies
Watching them made me smile
And no longer did I feel
That none of this was happening
That none of this was real
Appearing right beside me
Was a person I'd not seen
She'd come over to introduce herself
She was Karen the Fairy Queen
She said that we were welcome
And that if she gets her way
We would all be happy there
And the three of us would stay
And this is how it came to be
For Giorgia, Reece and I
That we live in a land of mystery
In a castle in the sky.