As I travel through this world of wonders
Burrowing into arcana of life,
Calling for someone to give me knowledge,
Doubting the Word that is pressed upon me,
Eventually it becomes so clear
For anyone willing to look inside.
Give your mind space from simplistic ideas
Hucksters feed to us controlling our lives.
Inculcating and pandering preachers
Just trying to bend us deviously,
Keeping us docile and simple and dull,
Lacking the fiber to make our own way.
Must you allow yourself to be enslaved,
Never having studied the words they say,
Only accepting as sheep or as goats?
Promise that you will at least take the time,
Question everyone, don't accept through faith,
Risking nothing you'll discover the truth,
Seeking the truth you'll discover yourself.
Trusting in science to forge you a trail,
Universal knowledge may still be found.
Verily I say unto thee, it's true.
Warily I say unto thee, take care.
Xenophobia is rampant today.
Yours is the future. Cultivate it well.
Zealots never steer the way to wisdom.
Burrowing into arcana of life,
Calling for someone to give me knowledge,
Doubting the Word that is pressed upon me,
Eventually it becomes so clear
For anyone willing to look inside.
Give your mind space from simplistic ideas
Hucksters feed to us controlling our lives.
Inculcating and pandering preachers
Just trying to bend us deviously,
Keeping us docile and simple and dull,
Lacking the fiber to make our own way.
Must you allow yourself to be enslaved,
Never having studied the words they say,
Only accepting as sheep or as goats?
Promise that you will at least take the time,
Question everyone, don't accept through faith,
Risking nothing you'll discover the truth,
Seeking the truth you'll discover yourself.
Trusting in science to forge you a trail,
Universal knowledge may still be found.
Verily I say unto thee, it's true.
Warily I say unto thee, take care.
Xenophobia is rampant today.
Yours is the future. Cultivate it well.
Zealots never steer the way to wisdom.