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Waiting for Irma~Still

"I can't stop typing"

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***These are random thoughts I have while waiting for Hurricane Irma. At the time of these writings Irma's projected path shows her coming straight for me! I don't know what to do while I wait so I just keep writing***

Saturday 9.9.17 10:30 pm EST

Tom Petty wasn't lying!

The waiting is, by far, the hardest part. It's been 24 hours since I wrote my last "entry" or whatever. About Irma. Ughhh I HATE HER! I just shouted that out loud, for real. Not that anyone would here me, they called for a mandatory evacuation this morning, and most people actually evacuated. 

Funny story about that though...there is no gas. Anywhere. I tried to leave and get, at the very least, to higher ground. 38 miles and still no gas. I had no choice but to turn around. At least I attempted to evacuate. I did mean funny strange, not funny ha-ha. Just wanted to be clear on that. 

I'm not alone. I'm with my love and my damn cat. I was sooo ready to leave the damn cat at a shelter. Honestly. I may let him outside soon as he is driving me completely mad with his constant caterwauling. If you've never heard a cat caterwaul, consider yourself lucky. It has to be the second most "annoying" sound ever. I'm not sure if annoying is the right word but it's a sound that gets right under your skin, makes you instantly angry, and you'll do nearly anything to make it stop. What do you call it? I don't know but a baby crying would be the only sound worse than a cat caterwauling. 

It is so difficult to not be over come with emotion when I look at the reality of my situation. My family is scattered about, "hunkered down" in their homes. We've hugged goodbye and text constantly. Why are we all not together? So many reasons that you'll have to trust me when I's really best this way. We have 24 hours before Irma's eye is upon us. Saying goodnight to everyone...I've cried so much that I've stopped wiping the tears away. I'm crying now. Singing Twinkle Twinkle all choked up...well, I don't recommend it. 

Right. We aren't allowed to drive. Some kind of curfew. Seems things are blowing around outside and may be dangerous or some shit. Honestly, anyone dumb enough to drive right now should be given the freedom to do so. A few less idiots once the storm is over seems like natural selection to me! I am too impaired to drive. I've been saving a bottle of wine for a special occasion. I've decided this is that occasion. Anyway...two hours until our next hurricane update.

"Still coming for you!" That's what I expect to hear..."Hurricane Irma is moving at a steady 9 miles per hour. We expect her to turn north very soon". They've been saying that all day. (My prediction was nearly correct save Irma slowed to 6 mph) I've been through enough hurricanes to know that no one really knows how the whole thing will play out. It's a waiting game that causes great anxiety even in the chillest of chill. 

Oh...when I did attempt to get to Northern Florida this afternoon it was sooo sureal. I75 is about 20 miles away. Not a single store was open. Everything was boarded up. Even the oldest bar in operation was closed! It was like an apocalypse or something. Whenever Bob (my love) would stop at a light I would look around frantically for zombies! Wtf?! Did I just say zombies? Did I actually think there were zombies out there? It seems I did! It is so strange where our minds take us sometimes. I never saw a zombie. Not that I know of at least. We finally found a gas station that was open just outside of Sarasota. Bob had me download gas buddy to look for fuel. I swear, the only time we get bitchy with each other is in the car. The whole gas buddy thing, in addition to our reality, just became too frustrating. We stopped at the open gas station. They had no gas but they had beer and cigarettes so we bought both and headed home. I started smoking again when I got home. I quit over a month ago. I'll stop as soon as Irma is gone. 

I better get some rest. At 6 mph, Irma won't be here until tomorrow night. 


Sunday 9.10.17 1:35 pm EST

Ugh. That wine gave me a hangover. I know, I'm a lightweight. My head is still pounding and it feels like the caterwauler may have shat in my mouth. Gross. Water. Check. Advil. Check. Lights off. Check. 

Irma has made it's way to Florida. I expect to lose power soon. A friend of Bob's sent him a picture this morning. Not that kind of picture! Pervs. The picture showed our surrounding creeks and canals empty. No water. Shit. We are going to die. I'm not being dramatic. We ARE expected to get storm surges that will flood to at least the second floor of most buildings. Imagine, spending days to board up your house and then you get trapped inside of it with water to the roof. Ohmigod. I can't.

We will lose power soon so this is my final entry before Irma strikes. Please remember that you are loved and, in order to live a happier life, laugh and learn something new every day. Thank you all for your support and friendship. See you on the other side (or something) XoXo~Adi

Written by adi_me
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