Every once in a while you are lucky enough to meet someonewho changes your perspective. This one person comes into your life and alters the way you view the world; the way you view yourself.
Mundane tasks become enjoyable when you are with them, and even the shortest length of time spent apart seems like far too long. They are the first person you want to share good news with, and the one you want to console you when the bad things happen.
These people take different forms. Sometimes they become your best friend, someone you can talk to about anything without judgment or hesitation. Sometimes they become your significant other. A hug from them can brighten a day; a kiss, a week.
Other times, you hit the jackpot, and find someone who is both. You can go out with them during the day and they make life more fun, and you can curl up next to them at night and they make you feel more secure. Some people search for this person for quite some time, some successfully, others not so. When you find them, everything is seen in a more positive light, and it’s a beautiful thing.
Mundane tasks become enjoyable when you are with them, and even the shortest length of time spent apart seems like far too long. They are the first person you want to share good news with, and the one you want to console you when the bad things happen.
These people take different forms. Sometimes they become your best friend, someone you can talk to about anything without judgment or hesitation. Sometimes they become your significant other. A hug from them can brighten a day; a kiss, a week.
Other times, you hit the jackpot, and find someone who is both. You can go out with them during the day and they make life more fun, and you can curl up next to them at night and they make you feel more secure. Some people search for this person for quite some time, some successfully, others not so. When you find them, everything is seen in a more positive light, and it’s a beautiful thing.