My friend says my perception of things has become warped over time.
She says any changes in feelings or closeness have been all by me.
It’s hard to know when I talk to my friend.
I respect her.
How can we both be right?
My friend is a butterfly full of color and light as air.
She brightens a room.
Her pollen binding those close to her.
I, on the other hand am stoic and joyless.
A chameleon who has lost his colors.
Unable to change from a brown leathery blob on a stark white wall.
My friend says I have changed.
She may be right.
Then again, as my friend, maybe she saw color where none existed.
Maybe I haven’t changed.
Maybe she now sees who I really am.
My camouflage washed away in acid rains.
I stand unprotected.
Unable to fit into my surroundings.
So what do I tell my friend?
Is my perception warped?
Or was hers?
I could end it all now and just agree with her.
Yet doing so would be dishonest to her.
Could I let her believe I am who I am not?
I can’t.
She is my friend.