Why is it…
The kitchen trash always needs to be emptied the day before trash pick up…
The manufacturer always recommends a maximum 60w bulb in a fixture, but you need 3 of them…
That every battery required between AAA and D cell are 1.5 volts…
That when I was a kid we never had expiration dates on foods and we survived…
That people decide to use a card to pay for everything, yet look at the swipe machine in front of them as if they are seeing it for the first time…
Bananas never turn brown until you take them home…
The one show you want to watch is always the one that messed up when you recorded it…
That draft beer tastes like crap unless you drink it with pizza…
That the phone call you just got from someone you were excited to hear from turns out to be a butt dial…
That recipes always require that one ingredient that you don’t have…
Supermarkets always have 10 checkout aisles and only one is open with 15 people with full carts ahead of you and two express lines fully staffed with cashiers and only 2 people in line…
That artwork from artists that I wouldn’t pay twenty bucks for is worth millions to others…
That the photo you want to frame never fits the frame you want to use…
People still knock on your door even though there is a doorbell inches away…
That you can buy an entire printer for $99 but the ink for it is $104…
That all balls except footballs are round…
That you don’t kick a football with the ball of your foot…
Just sayin’…