I don’t know why I am feeling this way
all I know is it isn’t good
I feel like running a knife over my wrist
Or mixing some medicine with alcohol
Maybe even jumping out of a window
I know these aren’t solutions
But I did try talking
and that didn’t seem to help
Besides it is not anyone’s responsibility
Apart from family that don’t care
They don’t even know
Where I just moved too
They don’t know about any of it
Now the tears start
I am alone
And let’s face it who would want me in there life
I am just alone...
Have been most of my life
So why is it such a problem now?
I guess I was shown another way
Of how it could be
And I was happy
But I screwed it up
So now is my turn to walk away
Take small steps
Work towards what I really want
And build it for myself
all I know is it isn’t good
I feel like running a knife over my wrist
Or mixing some medicine with alcohol
Maybe even jumping out of a window
I know these aren’t solutions
But I did try talking
and that didn’t seem to help
Besides it is not anyone’s responsibility
Apart from family that don’t care
They don’t even know
Where I just moved too
They don’t know about any of it
Now the tears start
I am alone
And let’s face it who would want me in there life
I am just alone...
Have been most of my life
So why is it such a problem now?
I guess I was shown another way
Of how it could be
And I was happy
But I screwed it up
So now is my turn to walk away
Take small steps
Work towards what I really want
And build it for myself