I was almost there.After defying gravity, monsters, and even Death, only a few more steps remain in what has seemed like an endless search. A perpetual cycle blind to Time.
I get closer. My heart is thunder booming in hollow tunnels, every moment constricted.
You've been every dream and nightmare. Beautiful and loving. Frighteningly cold and distant. Almost a myth, even though I've held you close enough to know you're real.
Maybe it's supposed to be this way, a pursuit with no climax.
I know this when I get there and you're gone.
The princess is in another castle.
I get closer. My heart is thunder booming in hollow tunnels, every moment constricted.
You've been every dream and nightmare. Beautiful and loving. Frighteningly cold and distant. Almost a myth, even though I've held you close enough to know you're real.
Maybe it's supposed to be this way, a pursuit with no climax.
I know this when I get there and you're gone.
The princess is in another castle.