"Wait. Was that another road?"
"Don't think so. Just some dust."
"We missed a crossroad."
"We've been down this road hundreds of times. There's no crossroad."
"Hey, that's it!"
"What? Don't yell when I'm driving!"
"Back there. Didn't you see it?"
"We pass here all the time. No crossroad. What does it matter? We're going somewhere."
"It's coming up soon."
"The crossroad. Take it?"
"To find the real place."
"This is real."
"No. The real real place. Missed it again."
"I'm getting out."
"I loved you. But you missed the crossroad."
"Don't think so. Just some dust."
"We missed a crossroad."
"We've been down this road hundreds of times. There's no crossroad."
"Hey, that's it!"
"What? Don't yell when I'm driving!"
"Back there. Didn't you see it?"
"We pass here all the time. No crossroad. What does it matter? We're going somewhere."
"It's coming up soon."
"The crossroad. Take it?"
"To find the real place."
"This is real."
"No. The real real place. Missed it again."
"I'm getting out."
"I loved you. But you missed the crossroad."