Knowing I will not sleep. As so often before. The world whirling about me. I cannot seem to settle. I need the sleep.
Sweet sleep. Rest from real life surrounding and prodding me. Testing me.
Sleep. Downtime from real life.
Real life telling me life is tenuous. Not completely trusted.
The simple acceptance of necessity. The pill. Gentle persuasion to sleep.
Accepting the necessary, the gentle persuader. Aid to oblivion.
I sleep.
But odd messages go out to the world. To who knows whom.
Strange side affects of the pills bring me gently to rest.
What have I said now?
Sweet sleep. Rest from real life surrounding and prodding me. Testing me.
Sleep. Downtime from real life.
Real life telling me life is tenuous. Not completely trusted.
The simple acceptance of necessity. The pill. Gentle persuasion to sleep.
Accepting the necessary, the gentle persuader. Aid to oblivion.
I sleep.
But odd messages go out to the world. To who knows whom.
Strange side affects of the pills bring me gently to rest.
What have I said now?