A bunch of questions crossed people's mind constantly, mostly how to achieve a dream and make it real by overcoming difficulties and failure that each of us encounter.
Life is like a ship, and human being is a captain. If the captain leads the ship to the right direction slowly but surely, and considering the high winds as means of help to direct the boat rather than an obstruction; consequently, the ship will arrive the place intended safely. Alike to a human being, if they lead a life on the right path, certainly a person will be successful in both professional and personal life. To be alive means to be excited, determined and stronger to embrace life with its ups and downs. And the core way to move forward is setting a goal to strive for, then the bitterness and disappointment of life will melt away. Goal setting is the key to refining the mental health since to be obsessed with a target helps to ignore difficulties and failure; thus, focalize only on how to achieve a goal regardless of hinders which actually gives a special flavour to life eventually.
Living without a goal seems like following a street aimlessly which will lead either to safe or dangerous place. Indeed, life is too short to spend energy and time on trivial things , rather people should enjoy every hour and every day to apply themselves to make headway and paint a rosy picture of the future, as well as bearing in mind to challenge only one person who is oneself and forget what other people think of you ; jealous people are aiming to bring your weakness, fearful and perpetual failure back which hinders your progress . Therefore, focusing just on the bad side and neglect the essence of your personality that needs a little of care to be alive and well.
Instead of listening to evil people, follow your goal and believe in it no matter what happened. Each one of us must bond with his/her inner self because it's the secret behind the success. Unfortunately, most of us are obsessed with making new relationships and looking for friends from all over the world , but we failed to look for ourselves to make friendship with, even sometimes we felt dizzy and asked who we are because it feels like stranger with oneself; pretending that everything is good, but actually it isn't, there is a combat inside between the true feeling and the pretending one. Endeavoring to pursue our dream which often let us breathe again by looking forward to being shining. So to be strong inside is much better than fake strongest shown to people. If a person's inside is fuelled with hope and positiveness, undoubtedly life will smile at. It's obvious that state of mind plays a vital role in excelling yourself, by reason of this the mentality which controls our lives either to be successful or not. The appropriate way to remove negative thoughts that affect your energy and enthusiasm badly is to believe strongly in goal setting and try to figure out the way to achievement. To clarify what you want in this life is the gateway to achieving a goal beyond your wildest dreams.
Life is like a ship, and human being is a captain. If the captain leads the ship to the right direction slowly but surely, and considering the high winds as means of help to direct the boat rather than an obstruction; consequently, the ship will arrive the place intended safely. Alike to a human being, if they lead a life on the right path, certainly a person will be successful in both professional and personal life. To be alive means to be excited, determined and stronger to embrace life with its ups and downs. And the core way to move forward is setting a goal to strive for, then the bitterness and disappointment of life will melt away. Goal setting is the key to refining the mental health since to be obsessed with a target helps to ignore difficulties and failure; thus, focalize only on how to achieve a goal regardless of hinders which actually gives a special flavour to life eventually.
Living without a goal seems like following a street aimlessly which will lead either to safe or dangerous place. Indeed, life is too short to spend energy and time on trivial things , rather people should enjoy every hour and every day to apply themselves to make headway and paint a rosy picture of the future, as well as bearing in mind to challenge only one person who is oneself and forget what other people think of you ; jealous people are aiming to bring your weakness, fearful and perpetual failure back which hinders your progress . Therefore, focusing just on the bad side and neglect the essence of your personality that needs a little of care to be alive and well.
Instead of listening to evil people, follow your goal and believe in it no matter what happened. Each one of us must bond with his/her inner self because it's the secret behind the success. Unfortunately, most of us are obsessed with making new relationships and looking for friends from all over the world , but we failed to look for ourselves to make friendship with, even sometimes we felt dizzy and asked who we are because it feels like stranger with oneself; pretending that everything is good, but actually it isn't, there is a combat inside between the true feeling and the pretending one. Endeavoring to pursue our dream which often let us breathe again by looking forward to being shining. So to be strong inside is much better than fake strongest shown to people. If a person's inside is fuelled with hope and positiveness, undoubtedly life will smile at. It's obvious that state of mind plays a vital role in excelling yourself, by reason of this the mentality which controls our lives either to be successful or not. The appropriate way to remove negative thoughts that affect your energy and enthusiasm badly is to believe strongly in goal setting and try to figure out the way to achievement. To clarify what you want in this life is the gateway to achieving a goal beyond your wildest dreams.